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Places To Explore
If you drive from any urban centre in the Niagara Region it will only take a few minutes before you are surrounded by green spaces. Vineyards and farmlands spread out from the towns and cities creating a patchwork quilt formation that can be seen from the air.
The Niagara Region has always had to balance urban growth with sustainable farming. It is one of only a handful of areas in Canada where the tender fruit industry, so dependent on warmer climates than what the rest of Canada can provide, is able to flourish.
With such a huge demand on the land it is amazing how the area has managed to retain any green space at all. The Glenridge Quarry Naturalization Site is a good example of people giving back to nature. What for many years had been a landfill site, has now been skillfully turned into an oasis of green, with meadows, forests, a pond and well laid out walking trails that are accessible to all, benefiting nature, and the people that live nearby.
Explore Niagara-on-the-Lake
In 1792 Graves Simcoe, the first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, changed the name to Newark, however shortly after his departure to York Toronto) and the naming of a new capital the townspeople petitioned to have their old name of Niagara restored...... more...
Explore Niagara Falls
Because of its natural beauty, moderate winters and close proximity to the American border the city of Niagara Falls soon became the Honeymoon Capital, with hundreds of newlyweds flocking to view the falls and take in the many sites and attractions..... more...
Explore the Niagara River Parkway
The Niagara River Parkway stretches out from Niagara-on-the-Lake in the north to Fort Erie in the south. For 55 kms it hugs the Niagara River, offering unsurpassed views of the Niagara River and Niagara Falls. ..... more...
Explore Niagara Conservation Areas
Niagara's Conservation Areas offer visitors a chance to see the finest nature has to offer up close...... more...
Explore the History of Niagara
If we trace the history of European settlement in Niagara we only have to go back a mere 200 years. If we trace the history of Niagara’s indigenous people we have to go back 10,000 years. And if we trace the history of the Niagara Region itself we have to go back 250 million years.... more...
Explore Niagara Beaches
Whether you choose to hike, bike, swim, or just relax and enjoy nature, the Niagara Region will have a park or beach that suits your needs..... more...
Explore Niagara's Forts
After the signing of Jay's Treaty on November 19, 1794 the British were forced to relinquish possession of Fort Niagara to the Americans. Fort George was built across the Niagara River on the west side slightly north of Fort Niagara. .... more...